Tree plantation is not just something that should be done; instead, it is a necessity, the urgent need of the hour. Considering the manifold benefits of trees, including that they release oxygen into the air, absorb unpleasant harmful gases from the air and purify it, protect us from dangerous ultra-violet rays, provide us with food and the pivotal role played by trees in preventing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance and especially in lessening the effects of global warming, the SKD Educational conducts tree plantation drives incessantly. Over the last one a year, has SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd planted more than 10,000 plants in Lucknow and we strive to carry on our attempts to save and enrich our environment.
01Education transforms children’s lives by helping them overcome poverty. This leads to better health and increased income opportunities. Without it, many children remain trapped in a life of poverty and hardships. SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd works to ensure that every child receives good quality education, and learns the skills they will need to thrive in the 21st century. We are breaking down the barriers to education by helping marginalized and vulnerable children. Our work is leading the way in improving literacy and skills, helping teachers to teach and children to learn. Through our work, we are supporting out-of-school young people access training in a skill or occupation, so that they can get a job which provides them with enough money to survive.
02we at SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd make sure that we do our bit to help with the mission of Swachh Bharat. The cleanliness of our surroundings is our responsibility, not only when it comes to our houses but also when it comes to public places like parks, tourist attractions, and public toilets. The cleanliness in public places not only improves the standard of living of our countrymen but it also gives a very positive image about India to the tourist that visit us from foreign countries. A huge shift has been seen in Indian people after the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission, more and more people are coming forward in cleanliness drives and small actions of people are helping in the achievement of “Clean India, Dream India” vision. It is our endeavor to make the people more aware of not littering in public places and about waste management in general.
03SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd supports the education of underprivileged girls in India, it strives to provide educational support to girls,provides them with school stationery kits and encourages their parents to support girl education. It’s our endeavor to help underprivileged girls with the opportunity to re-write their destinies.
04The main objective of a medical camps is to provide initial care to people in life-threatening conditions which reflect the unique strengths and goals of medical ethics. As a socially cognizant organization, SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd has taken initiative to provide free and good-quality medical services and complete medical checkup for the society and the under-privileged population. We provide medical support during pandemics and other emergencies. We strive to raise health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and non-communicable.
05Lending a helping hand, a SKD Educational Services Pvt.Ltd worked diligently during the pandemic. Providing ambulance for COVID-19 patients, providing meals to the needy, helping bridge the growing digital divide in education, spreading safety awareness, distributing masks, sanitizers and other basic amenities, starting the vaccination drive we left no stone unturned to help the most vulnerable during the pandemic.